Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Ohio People

It is well known that Kentuckians hate Ohio people on principle. There is even a radio talk show host that has mentioned blowing up the bridges over the Ohio river to keep them out. Said host is from one of the major cities, so his main complaint is that they drive 20 miles an hour under the traffic flow in the left hand lane. If he lived in the hills, in the place called lake country, he'd hate them for other reasons.
I was asked the other day, why I had such an attitude toward Ohio people. For some reason, people whose lives don't intersect with them don't have a knee jerk reaction of revulsion, so I will explain why Kentucky would be much better off if the border were sealed.
A few posts back I posted on the Beavis and Butthead mobile home transport company closing the main road for a half hour. The point to remember is that as the local communities have grown, people have moved out to places along roads like this to avoid the city lifestyle. Of course, there is no money to improve the roads, so the locals have to deal with a 25 minute drive on a narrow winding road with no place to pass in order to get to work, but they accept this for a more peaceful lifestyle. Then the Ohio people arrive. They come in two categories. The first is amazed at the farms along the road, so they drive at 30mph in a 55mph zone and occasionally come to a near stop to discuss the cows they are seeing. News flash, this isn't a safari drive set up for your benefit. People here actually have to get places, you self-centered twits. The second category drives the speed limit, but you wish they wouldn't, because they're towing a cabin cruiser behind them. It's a rare street sign that hasn't been battered by a boat during the summer, or a local who hasn't been forced off the road. Now, not all Ohio people drive like this, but when you meet a couple a day in one of the above categories, you tend to judge them all and not make distinctions.
They are noisy. Ohio people like to yell a lot. Once they move into their summer homes, they talk to each other. The problem is they talk to each other from across the neighborhood. It's annoying. They also do the same in the local Wal Mart. They'll hold conversations with each other from across the store by yelling at the top of their lungs. They honestly don't see a problem in doing so. Did I use the words self-centered twits yet? If their voices aren't enough, you haven't learned annoyance until you've had one of the Ohio families try and fix their boat next door to you. This usually consists of a week of revving up the engine for 8 hours a day. When this fails to achieve the desired results, they have a boat party with the speakers and the loud music right in their yard. They claim it's because they are in the country, but they are idiots. They do these things in subdivisions were the average lot size is half an acre.
Then, since they are in the country, they need to travel in a country fashion. Did I mention subdivisions with half acre lot sizes yet? So, they get four wheelers to travel on. It's like a geriatric version of the Wild Ones.
Of course, you can't forget the dogs. Since they're going to the country, they must bring their dogs and dogs in the country must run free. Let me mention the half acre lot size subdivision again. Of course, their method of controlling said dogs is to stand in their yard and yell at them. Get off your lazy backsides and go get your animal. I suppose I am lucky. Even though I am in a subdivision, there are farms across the street and farmers who have to worry about their livestock.
And finally, once the summer ends comes hunting season. Wild protein now being the latest craze among the hipsters. Living in Kentucky, hunting is normal. During hunting season, you'll hear an occasional gun shot, sometimes a follow up. It's the country. Then the Ohio people get into the act. Now at sunrise, you get the "mad minute". Seriously, 3 or 4 different semi auto weapons each firing 4 or 5 rounds. The deer doesn't stand a chance. This is repeated a half dozen times each morning. Normally, hunting over bait is illegal, but the Ohio people all hunt on rented land, so who's to know. Besides, the Ohio people know Kentucky exists to serve their desires.
When I moved to my current home 2 years ago, I usually saw a half dozen deer and the same number of turkey a day. The Ohio people started harvesting the wildlife last year. This year I have seen 4 deer and 2 turkey, all year. Thanks Ohio.
I think the above are ample reasons to be prejudiced toward Ohio.

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