Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Hating Ohio, part 2

Recently, I came across an article in the news about neighbors being up in arms in a certain part of New York because the local mosque blared the call for prayer so loudly that it could be heard for 20 blocks. That's a little over a mile. Now, I'm all for putting restrictions on the mosque. After all, America isn't a Muslim country, and one must try to be polite to the neighbors. If you read back over my blog, you'll see that I've complained about Christians doing the same.
But the tale here is about hating Ohio again. This last weekend, I got to listen to horrible, top 40 country music coming from the boats racing along the river. Yes, I do mean racing. You see, when an 18 foot boat tows a water skier, the noise isn't that bad. Now, double the size of the boat. The noise more than doubles. Now, instead of one boat, make it 4 or 5. Now, since they all like music, put on speakers you can hear over the engine so the skier gets to listen to the music. I live a mile from the river, and I can hear the songs at the same volume as I play my TV at.
The only difference is that the mosque broadcasts 5 times a day, while the idiots on the lake run for 16 hours straight.

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