Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Clinton Death Count

Most conspiracy theorists know about the Clinton Death Count. Basically, it refers to the number of mysterious, yet useful deaths that have occurred around the Clintons. There have been quire a few deaths that were convenient to the Clintons. The number is in the triple digits. Does this mean there is nefarious activity afoot? Of course not. It's just curious.
So why bring this up? Because the same happens in the hills of Appalachia on a regular basis. When someone gets in the way of one of the first families here, death is not an uncommon outcome. The main causes are heart attack and car accident, and neither of those is particularly uncommon around here, so maybe it's all just a coincidence. It's still amazing that when one of the first families is ready to move into a position, a way is usually opened for them. Of course, they may just have picked a likely target and waited, like an evil insurance company. I've heard locals speculate that they had a demon working for them. Whatever the reason, it is curious.
My personal belief is that the shunning has a lot to do with it. If you want to know what shunning is go out one day and have normal relationships with everyone around you, and then go out the next and have trouble buying groceries. Then realize that everyone, friends, co-workers, and the people in the grocery store are all acting the same. Then realize they will keep it up for years if need be. Then realize that it's nothing you've done. Someone, somewhere told them to act that way, so they did. And since there's nothing you have done to create the situation, there's nothing you can do to fix it. If you're predisposed to heart problems or bad driving in the first place, the odds are the situation will reach critical levels under this treatment. 

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