Sunday, March 29, 2020

Yet More Reasons to Hate Ohio.

The latest crises has caused nothing if not more hatred of the State of Ohio. When their state went into lockdown due to the high number of COVID - 19 cases, many ran south to the Commonwealth.
Have they come down to shelter in place? If they had, there would be no problem. What these people have done is to fill the state parks and move several families at once into their vacation homes. Again, if they did this to avoid the pandemic, no problem. However, there is a reason why the disease took off in their state. They have a psychotic need to form large social gatherings and move from group to group. Your average Ohio person seems to think that the fact that Kentucky has a lower rate of the disease than Ohio is solely due to an act of God, or magic, or something, and has nothing to do with behavior.
Kentucky has already started kicking people out of state parks. News flash Ohio, when a state has to kick you out en-mass because of your behavior, you might want to consider that you are the problem. Of course the Ohio people will never believe that. They seem to think they are God's gift to the planet, and that others, especially the hicks of Kentucky, owe them.

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