Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Gotta Love Andy, part 2

Things are relatively quiet. 
After a week of people complaining on Facebook that they couldn't get into gas stations because all the pumps were full of boats from Ohio (I hear it was worse on the Tennessee side), the governor finally ordered that all the people coming from neighboring states had to quarantine for 14 days. 
Not being able to continue partying, they left. 
Are they too stupid to realize that the areas that are having severe problems are generally having them because the people refused to stop their partying lifestyle and put some distance between themselves, or are they just too selfish?
Regardless, there is a special level of Hell reserved for those who break lock downs in their states and go to areas that don't have a lock down, just so they can have a good time. The level of selfishness is appalling, but not unexpected. 

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