Friday, May 8, 2020

Return To Roots

One of the good things to come out of the pandemic, has been a chance to return to my roots.
I've been spoiled since the 80's with fancy foods and coffees, but during grade school, I was a 70's, latch-key kid, living off of canned meats, iga brand cheeses, cheap white sandwich bread, and non-designer coffee. Okay, the coffee came later.
Since the pandemic has started, trips to the large town stores have stopped and been replaced by trips to the local, rural IGA, and Dollar General Market. The gas savings have been high. The foods, while not what I am used to now are what I survived on during grade school, and I haven't been "deprived" in the least, unless you count having to drink non-Starbuck's coffee as a major life challenge, and if you do, I suggest professional help. It's been fun revisiting 1970's cuisine.

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