It looks like I'm headed into bankruptcy soon, because the local welfare types have decided that the house I have up for sale is theirs, and I can't afford to pay $600 a month to give them a place to squat.
Here is a view from my driveway of a standard hillbilly welfare cluster. No, I didn't buy into this neighborhood. When I bought the house in 2005, it had older people and young families. Then the patriarch of the family died, the young families all divorced, and the drug/welfare crowd arrived. It happened over the course of a couple of years. I never realized that hill families relied on their patriarchs so much, but here's the proof.
Anyway, it's all about clan for these folk, like it's all about gang for their city cousins. Let me explain what you are looking at. The mobile homes you see are owned by some relative or other. You see, everyone is related to everyone, and if you have land, instead of selling or renting, you let your welfare relations live there. You arrange a payment schedule from their welfare check under the table and it's win-win. You get tax free money and an army of minions. The minions get a really cheap place to stay, and with their welfare checks and benefits, free food and utilities, a pretty good lifestyle. You can't really see it, but the cars in the driveway are all late model.
Now comes the fun part. There are probably at least 8 adults living in these buildings. And no, you're not going to get a count. Aside from the fact that they lie, this is the area where the census worker was found dangling from a tree. These people don't like questions. Welfare will pay you more for each child up to a maximum of 6. So, since they are unwilling to work, each pair of adults can be counted on to have 4 - 6 children. That adds up to a lot of people.
Now for the part that would be amusing if it weren't happening to me. I went to check on the house the other day, and found that it had been broken into and an air conditioner had been torn out of the wall. Every time I go there, they seem to show up the next day and do enough damage to let it be known they are there. Naturally, my realtor is afraid to go there anymore. It's annoying and no one is going to buy a house that is constantly being robbed by the neighbors.
I called the local sheriff, and not getting a response the state police. When I arrived, the neighbors all stood there and glared. When I called the sheriff (and understand these people all have police scanners) they stood there and glared. When I called the state police, within 10 minutes, 3 different cars sped up to first house, filled up with people and drove off. They left a preteen boy. You can't see him, but he's under the tree in the center. He went and sat under the tree with a cell phone and watched the house until I left about 90 minutes later. And, no, he wasn't alone, there was an adult watching him from inside, so he had backup. I swung back 5 minutes later just to see and the neighbors were coming back. So, I have about 20 people, with no jobs and nothing better to do, just watch my house and see what damage they can cause. That puts them at a great advantage. Of course, if I even try to talk to them, I'll get 20 people swearing that I'm violent and the sheriff will be there within 5 minutes. And people wonder why I'd rather live in a world without police. They are really counter productive at the moment.
The state police called after a half hour and took a statement,. They weren't willing to come out and take fingerprints either, but that's understandable. They can't really get a conviction unless the value is over $500, and they were 1 trooper, who was 70 miles away. I wasn't willing to wait 4 hours until he could get there, and he wasn't to keen on the idea either. At least he called back.
The sheriff? About 7 hours later, my wife posted about the incident and lack of response on facebook. Remember, everyone is related to everyone in the county and connected via facebook. The sheriff called and took a statement within 5 minutes.
Really? The sheriff responding more quickly to facebook than a call to dispatch. That pretty much tells you what you need to know about him.
So I have the sheriff, who will only respond to the calls of the welfare people. The state troopers, who are rare and busy, and 20 people who are out to seize my property and have nothing better to do. What chance do I have?
By seize I mean get the house into forclosure. Then the bank sells the house at auction. The only bank that will really give a loan on the house is run by the rich part of the family, so, they will set the price. Thus the usefulness of minions.
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