Sunday, February 17, 2019

Legalized Theft

Kentucky is not the place to be if you want common decency or common sense. Today, I want to talk about the laws of adverse possession. Basically, this means someone taking land that belongs to you and getting a court to say that you don't own it anymore.
Now, I understand the need for such laws. After all, if the last deed to the property had references like the old oak tree, and Uncle Bille's outhouse, I can understand how the property lines would get a bit confused. And, if after a generation or two of working the same piece of land, it's found that one party has been using the same couple of acres as their own, then it only seems right to adjust the property lines accordingly.
Then we have Kentucky. Kentucky not only lets you claim the land after 15 years, but requires that you had knowledge that the land wasn't yours. That's right, under Kentucky law, you must show intent to deprive the other party of their land for 15 years before the state will give it to you. A simple mistake of the property line means no land for you.But, show intent to steal someone else's land, and Kentucky will give you title to it. Of course, all state, county, and city lands are exempt from this. I wonder why?

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