Tuesday, July 28, 2015

If You Can Take It, It's Your's

Appalachia has a greater degree of freedom than other parts of America. Unfortunately, it's not the freedom of independent individuals respecting each others rights to coexist. Rather, it's a total lack of equitable law enforcement. I say equitable, because how the law will respond to you will depend on who you are. For the most part, law enforcement officials here just want to be left alone.

While driving down a local road, I can across the following:

Now, I'm all for roadside produce stands. I just find it odd when they're actually in the road. Bear in mind that this is an actual road with actual traffic. I doesn't matter to your average Appalachian however. If the road is more convenient for them, the road it will be. Everyone else will just have to make due. It gets even more interesting when they have customers, since being Appalachians themselves, they just stop their cars and conduct business. Can you say third world way of thinking?

I would blame local law enforcement, but one of the favorite speed traps for the Kentucky State Police is within 100 meters on this road. I guess no one in Appalachia cares.

It does remind me of another story where a road between 2 neighboring counties was privatized. In one of the neighboring counties, there was 1 road that ran to a neighboring county. Without that road you had to run a circle through other counties. Strangely, trees were allowed to fall and block the road a couple of decades ago. No one thought that the county had the obligation to remove them, even though it is a county road and still listed on maps. It must be nice for the families that own farms there. Free maintenance of a private driveway several miles long, along with free utility upkeep over the same length of road. The really amazing part is it's on a straight run to a local tourist attraction. I guess someone got tired of all the traffic and had a talk with their buddy in county government. Mexico has nothing on this place.

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