Thursday, July 30, 2015

Can you say corruption boys and girls....

Once again, I've heard someone say that it's common knowledge that my street is known as the go to place for your pharmaceutical needs. I used to think that this was odd, since one of the major churches in the area is right across the street. Well, I used to think that until one of their deacons got nabbed for giving an unnecessary narcotic prescription to an undercover officer. He's still allowed to practice until it's all sorted out, but he can't write prescriptions for narcotics. His office used to be full all the time. Now it's a ghost town. I guess the cops were right on this one.

But, back to my street...

Right before the recent election, a lot of signs went up on my street supporting Jim Guffey for sheriff of Clinton county. I thought this was odd because a lot of the houses with signs were the type of place you'd associate with the drug crowd. I didn't think much more about it until after the election in January 2015. Immediately, there were a large number of drug busts, and none since. Amazingly, none of the arrests were on this street. Also, amazingly, once the election and the drug busts occurred traffic and anti-social activity picked up on this street. Even more amazing, or maybe not, the new sheriff refuses to even put a presence into this area. It's almost like he eliminated the competition for his buddies. Is it just incompetence or is it time to use the c word.

Amusingly, the discussion threads about the sheriff that appear on Albany Topix also get pulled within 24 hours, just like those of the county clerk. It's nice to know they have the free time to police a discussion board to protect their good names.

Can you say corruption boys and girls...

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

No Gays or Discussion Allowed

Clinton County Kentucky is one of the 3 Kentucky counties refusing to give out marriage certificates since the Supreme Court okay'd gay marriage. In Rowan county, the county clerk has a lawsuit going. In Casey, the county government made a statement disagreeing with the county clerk's position. In Clinton county, no one has said anything and people are not allowed to discuss the issue. That's right, no discussion allowed. A guilty pleasure of many people in small towns is a site called topix, where people can gossip about things online. Clinton County's is here:

Since the Supreme Court decision, obviously, people have been wanting to post their views, but the posts about our county clerk are usually pulled within 24 hours. It seems that the Republican party in Clinton county has no use for dissenting opinion. Well, why not. They've effectively run this place like a third world pesthole of the haves and have nots for the last couple of centuries, why should they change now?

The amusing part about this, is how the Christians are coming out of the woodwork with prophecies of doom if same sex marriage is allowed. Think of the children. I'd be on their side if they could show me that their belief system had practical advantages, but I still remember how shocked I was on first arriving here when the school paperwork for my children never mentioned, mother, father, or parent. Simply, guardian. The reason being, there were so many children who had no idea who their father was and who were abandoned to live with grandparents or some other relative, that the words mother, father, and parent were considered offensive. Way to practice what you preach Appalachian Christians. I doubt a homosexual couple could do worse if they actually tried.

If You Can Take It, It's Your's

Appalachia has a greater degree of freedom than other parts of America. Unfortunately, it's not the freedom of independent individuals respecting each others rights to coexist. Rather, it's a total lack of equitable law enforcement. I say equitable, because how the law will respond to you will depend on who you are. For the most part, law enforcement officials here just want to be left alone.

While driving down a local road, I can across the following:

Now, I'm all for roadside produce stands. I just find it odd when they're actually in the road. Bear in mind that this is an actual road with actual traffic. I doesn't matter to your average Appalachian however. If the road is more convenient for them, the road it will be. Everyone else will just have to make due. It gets even more interesting when they have customers, since being Appalachians themselves, they just stop their cars and conduct business. Can you say third world way of thinking?

I would blame local law enforcement, but one of the favorite speed traps for the Kentucky State Police is within 100 meters on this road. I guess no one in Appalachia cares.

It does remind me of another story where a road between 2 neighboring counties was privatized. In one of the neighboring counties, there was 1 road that ran to a neighboring county. Without that road you had to run a circle through other counties. Strangely, trees were allowed to fall and block the road a couple of decades ago. No one thought that the county had the obligation to remove them, even though it is a county road and still listed on maps. It must be nice for the families that own farms there. Free maintenance of a private driveway several miles long, along with free utility upkeep over the same length of road. The really amazing part is it's on a straight run to a local tourist attraction. I guess someone got tired of all the traffic and had a talk with their buddy in county government. Mexico has nothing on this place.

They're Back

Surprise, surprise. Yet another offer on my house, preceded by 3 days of telemarketer calls and immediately followed by a higher offer, cont...