Saturday, November 22, 2014

Not From Around Here

The strangest part about Appalachia is the clannishness that allows nastiness to prosper. For the most part, the people here are good people. They're willing to work hard and just want to be left alone. The problem comes from two sources. The entrenched nobility, as I call them, the descendants of the first families who own everything and will go to extreme lengths to make sure it stays that way, and the lower classes, that generally makes life a living hell for everyone around them.

One of the first things you notice in Appalachia is that you can't call on local officials for help unless you're one of the entrenched nobility. You're basically a target for whatever the lords of the welfare check want to throw your way. You don't count.

The amazing part is, that the good people outnumber the problem people by a large margin, but refuse to do anything about it. The shocking part will come to you the first time you sit down with one of these people and listen to them rail on about the evils of the county. Your initial response will probably be to agree with them and relate a problem of your own. That would be a mistake. as soon as you do this you'll here something like, "You're not from around here, don't go disrespecting our culture". It won't do any good to point out that you're just agreeing with them. As far as they're concerned, you're not from around here, you don't count.

Their concept of "their people" is more important to them then a decent standard of living. Of course the Boss Hoggs and the welfare kings use this to great advantage. It's a pity.

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