Wednesday, October 21, 2015

High School Confidential

As readers of this blog may know, Clinton County High School recently acquired a new principal. The fact that this person had been charged with a drug related offence in the past and was not certified to be a principal when they took the job was apparently not important. It didn't even warrant a search outside of the county. Then again, Clinton county doesn't like foreigners (this is defined as anyone from outside the county).

Now rumors are starting in the high school that the old principal was removed because he had a conflict with the superintendent's daughter, who is a high school student. Is it hard to imagine a student with such power that they can remove a high school principal? Not really, this is Clinton county and Charlotte Bernard is the superintendent. She already removed the middle school principal because she didn't like him. A removal which led to a lawsuit. Last year when the number of snow days became excessive, she refused to make them up during spring break because her daughter had vacation plans. So, yes, removing a principal on her daughter's say so seems par for the course. Of course the people of Clinton county just ignore this level of corruption and even support her. It's just the norm around here. It's probably also the reason they hate foreigners.

My questions are: How does anyone expect a school system to work with this level of corruption, and where are the state oversight agencies that are supposed to correct corruption like this?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Wild Dogs

Today, I woke up to a pack of dogs killing a cat in my yard. It was bound to happen. Hillbillies get the largest dogs they can find, they get lots of them, and then they let them run loose. It's the hillbilly idea of freedom. The result is that you get packs of semi-feral pit bulls and the like wandering freely. Animal control refuses to do anything, seeing their job as just a political perk that gives them a salary and a vehicle in return for knowing the right people. I can't shoot them because that's animal cruelty unless I can prove they were attacking me or endangering my livestock. I really need to get some livestock. Actually, the people I talk to here tell me that's the best option. Set up a legal excuse for killing them, and then kill them. Of course, I also hear the same thing about my neighbors. I really miss law enforcement. Hillbilly anarchy is not a realistic way to run a society.

They're Back

Surprise, surprise. Yet another offer on my house, preceded by 3 days of telemarketer calls and immediately followed by a higher offer, cont...